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Alginate oligosaccharides
Blood group antigens
Chitin oligosaccharides
Chitosan oligosaccharides
Core Structures
Forssman antigens
Galactomannan oligosaccharides
Galacturonan oligosaccharides
Galili Antigens
Ganglioside oligosaccharides
Globo and Isoglobo series
Glucomannan oligosaccharides
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) & analogues
Isolichenan oligosaccharides
Lewis antigens
Mannan oligosaccharides
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA)
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA)
Ulvan oligosaccharides
Xeno antigens
Xylan oligosaccharides
Xyloglucan oligosaccharides
Lichenan / Isolichenan
Oligosaccharides grafted on proteins
Functionalized oligosaccharides
Stearic chain
Oligosaccharide building blocks
Glycan-based affinity column
Grafted media : Gel
Dual-functionalized oligosaccharides
Biotin and Fluorescein
Biotin and Stearic chain
Customizable dual functionalization
Analytical References
Human Milk Oligosaccharides - analytical references
Blood group antigens - analytical references
Globo and Isoglobo series - analytical references
Free lectins
LecA (PA-IL)
Labelled lectins
Other fluorophores
Analysis service
Research services
Purification service
Customized synthesis
Contract manufacturing
Plant protection products
Food additives for animal nutrition
Human health
About us
Contact us
Alginate oligosaccharides
Guluronate oligosaccharides
Mannuronate oligosaccharides
Blood group antigens
H antigens
A antigens
B antigens
P antigens
Chitin oligosaccharides
Chitosan oligosaccharides
Core Structures
Core Type 1
Core Type 2
Core Type 5
Core Type 4
Forssman antigens
Galactomannan oligosaccharides
Galacturonan oligosaccharides
Galili Antigens
Ganglioside oligosaccharides
Globo and Isoglobo series
Isoglobo series
Globo series
Globo analogue
Isoglobo analogue
Glucomannan oligosaccharides
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) & analogues
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO)
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues
Isolichenan oligosaccharides
Lewis antigens
Mannan oligosaccharides
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA)
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA)
Ulvan oligosaccharides
Xeno antigens
Xylan oligosaccharides
Xyloglucan oligosaccharides
Lichenan / Isolichenan
Oligosaccharide building blocks
Blood group antigens with terminal alkyne
H antigens with terminal alkyne
A antigens with terminal alkyne
B antigens with terminal alkyne
P antigens with terminal alkyne
Cellooligosaccharides with terminal alkyne
Core Structures with terminal alkyne
Core Type 1 with terminal alkyne
Core Type 2 with terminal alkyne
Core Type 5 with terminal alkyne
Core Type 4 with terminal alkyne
Forssman antigens with terminal alkyne
Galili Antigens with terminal alkyne
Ganglioside oligosaccharides with terminal alkyne
Globo and Isoglobo series with terminal alkyne
Isoglobo series with terminal alkyne
Globo series with terminal alkyne
Globo analogue with terminal alkyne
Isoglobo analogue with terminal alkyne
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) with terminal alkyne
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues with terminal alkyne
Lewis antigens with terminal alkyne
Maltooligosaccharides with terminal alkyne
Miscellaneous with terminal alkyne
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) with terminal alkyne
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) with terminal alkyne
Isomaltooligosaccharides with terminal alkyne
Blood group antigens with terminal amine
H antigens with terminal amine
A antigens with terminal amine
B antigens with terminal amine
P antigens with terminal amine
Cellooligosaccharides with terminal amine
Core Structures with terminal amine
Core Type 1 with terminal amine
Core Type 2 with terminal amine
Core Type 5 with terminal amine
Core Type 4 with terminal amine
Forssman antigens with terminal amine
Galili Antigens with terminal amine
Ganglioside oligosaccharides with terminal amine
Globo and Isoglobo series with terminal amine
Isoglobo series with terminal amine
Globo series with terminal amine
Globo analogue with terminal amine
Isoglobo analogue with terminal amine
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) with terminal amine
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues with terminal amine
Lewis antigens with terminal amine
Maltooligosaccharides with terminal amine
Miscellaneous with terminal amine
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) with terminal amine
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) with terminal amine
Isomaltooligosaccharides with terminal amine
Blood group antigens with terminal azide
H antigens with terminal azide
A antigens with terminal azide
B antigens with terminal azide
P antigens with terminal azide
Cellooligosaccharides with terminal azide
Core Structures with terminal azide
Core Type 1 with terminal azide
Core Type 2 with terminal azide
Core Type 5 with terminal azide
Core Type 4 with terminal azide
Forssman antigens with terminal azide
Galili Antigens with terminal azide
Ganglioside oligosaccharides with terminal azide
Globo and Isoglobo series with terminal azide
Isoglobo series with terminal azide
Globo series with terminal azide
Globo analogue with terminal azide
Isoglobo analogue with terminal azide
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) with terminal azide
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues with terminal azide
Lewis antigens with terminal azide
Maltooligosaccharides with terminal azide
Miscellaneous with terminal azide
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) with terminal azide
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) with terminal azide
Isomaltooligosaccharides with terminal azide
Blood group antigens with DBCO
H antigens with DBCO
A antigens with DBCO
B antigens with DBCO
P antigens with DBCO
Cellooligosaccharides with DBCO
Core Structures with DBCO
Core Type 1 with DBCO
Core Type 2 with DBCO
Core Type 5 with DBCO
Core Type 4 with DBCO
Forssman antigens with DBCO
Galili Antigens with DBCO
Ganglioside oligosaccharides with DBCO
Globo and Isoglobo series with DBCO
Isoglobo series with DBCO
Globo series with DBCO
Globo analogue with DBCO
Isoglobo analogue with DBCO
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) with DBCO
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues with DBCO
Lewis antigens with DBCO
Maltooligosaccharides with DBCO
Miscellaneous with DBCO
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) with DBCO
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) with DBCO
Isomaltooligosaccharides with DBCO
Blood group antigens linked to maleimide
H antigens linked to maleimide
A antigens linked to maleimide
B antigens linked to maleimide
P antigens linked to maleimide
Cellooligosaccharides linked to maleimide
Core Structures linked to maleimide
Core Type 1 linked to maleimide
Core Type 2 linked to maleimide
Core Type 5 linked to maleimide
Core Type 4 linked to maleimide
Forssman antigens linked to maleimide
Galili Antigens linked to maleimide
Ganglioside oligosaccharides linked to maleimide
Globo and Isoglobo series linked to maleimide
Isoglobo series linked to maleimide
Globo series linked to maleimide
Globo analogue linked to maleimide
Isoglobo analogue linked to maleimide
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) linked to maleimide
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues linked to maleimide
Lewis antigens linked to maleimide
Maltooligosaccharides linked to maleimide
Miscellaneous linked to maleimide
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) linked to maleimide
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) linked to maleimide
Isomaltooligosaccharides linked to maleimide
Blood group antigens with cyclic di-thiol
H antigens with cyclic di-thiol
A antigens with cyclic di-thiol
B antigens with cyclic di-thiol
P antigens with cyclic di-thiol
Cellooligosaccharides with cyclic di-thiol
Core Structures with cyclic di-thiol
Core Type 1 with cyclic di-thiol
Core Type 2 with cyclic di-thiol
Core Type 5 with cyclic di-thiol
Core Type 4 with cyclic di-thiol
Forssman antigens with cyclic di-thiol
Galili Antigens with cyclic di-thiol
Ganglioside oligosaccharides with cyclic di-thiol
Globo and Isoglobo series with cyclic di-thiol
Isoglobo series with cyclic di-thiol
Globo series with cyclic di-thiol
Globo analogue with cyclic di-thiol
Isoglobo analogue with cyclic di-thiol
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) with cyclic di-thiol
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues with cyclic di-thiol
Lewis antigens with cyclic di-thiol
Maltooligosaccharides with cyclic di-thiol
Miscellaneous with cyclic di-thiol
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) with cyclic di-thiol
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) with cyclic di-thiol
Isomaltooligosaccharides with cyclic di-thiol
Functionalized oligosaccharides
Blood group antigens linked to biotin
H antigens linked to biotin
A antigens linked to biotin
B antigens linked to biotin
P antigens linked to biotin
Cellooligosaccharides linked to biotin
Core Structures linked to biotin
Core Type 1 linked to biotin
Core Type 2 linked to biotin
Core Type 5 linked to biotin
Core Type 4 linked to biotin
Forssman antigens linked to biotin
Galili Antigens linked to biotin
Ganglioside oligosaccharides linked to biotin
Globo and Isoglobo series linked to biotin
Isoglobo series linked to biotin
Globo series linked to biotin
Globo analogue linked to biotin
Isoglobo analogue linked to biotin
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) linked to biotin
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues linked to biotin
Lewis antigens linked to biotin
Maltooligosaccharides linked to biotin
Miscellaneous linked to biotin
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) linked to biotin
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) linked to biotin
Isomaltooligosaccharides linked to biotin
Blood group antigens linked to desthiobiotin
H antigens linked to desthiobiotin
A antigens linked to desthiobiotin
B antigens linked to desthiobiotin
P antigens linked to desthiobiotin
Cellooligosaccharides linked to desthiobiotin
Core Structures linked to desthiobiotin
Core Type 1 linked to desthiobiotin
Core Type 2 linked to desthiobiotin
Core Type 5 linked to desthiobiotin
Core Type 4 linked to desthiobiotin
Forssman antigens linked to desthiobiotin
Galili Antigens linked to desthiobiotin
Ganglioside oligosaccharides linked to desthiobiotin
Globo and Isoglobo series linked to desthiobiotin
Isoglobo series linked to desthiobiotin
Globo series linked to desthiobiotin
Globo analogue linked to desthiobiotin
Isoglobo analogue linked to desthiobiotin
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) linked to desthiobiotin
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues linked to desthiobiotin
Lewis antigens linked to desthiobiotin
Maltooligosaccharides linked to desthiobiotin
Miscellaneous linked to desthiobiotin
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) linked to desthiobiotin
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) linked to desthiobiotin
Isomaltooligosaccharides linked to desthiobiotin
Blood group antigens linked to fluorescein
H antigens linked to fluorescein
A antigens linked to fluorescein
B antigens linked to fluorescein
P antigens linked to fluorescein
Cellooligosaccharides linked to fluorescein
Core Structures linked to fluorescein
Core Type 1 linked to fluorescein
Core Type 2 linked to fluorescein
Core Type 5 linked to fluorescein
Core Type 4 linked to fluorescein
Forssman antigens linked to fluorescein
Galili Antigens linked to fluorescein
Ganglioside oligosaccharides linked to fluorescein
Globo and Isoglobo series linked to fluorescein
Isoglobo series linked to fluorescein
Globo series linked to fluorescein
Globo analogue linked to fluorescein
Isoglobo analogue linked to fluorescein
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) linked to fluorescein
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues linked to fluorescein
Lewis antigens linked to fluorescein
Maltooligosaccharides linked to fluorescein
Miscellaneous linked to fluorescein
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) linked to fluorescein
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) linked to fluorescein
Isomaltooligosaccharides linked to fluorescein
Stearic chain
Blood group antigens with stearic chain
H antigens with stearic chain
A antigens with stearic chain
B antigens with stearic chain
P antigens with stearic chain
Cellooligosaccharides with stearic chain
Core Structures with stearic chain
Core Type 1 with stearic chain
Core Type 2 with stearic chain
Core Type 5 with stearic chain
Core Type 4 with stearic chain
Forssman antigens with stearic chain
Galili Antigens with stearic chain
Ganglioside oligosaccharides with stearic chain
Globo and Isoglobo series with stearic chain
Isoglobo series with stearic chain
Globo series with stearic chain
Globo analogue with stearic chain
Isoglobo analogue with stearic chain
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) with stearic chain
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues with stearic chain
Lewis antigens with stearic chain
Maltooligosaccharides with stearic chain
Miscellaneous with stearic chain
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) with stearic chain
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) with stearic chain
Isomaltooligosaccharides with stearic chain
Oligosaccharides grafted on proteins
Blood group antigens grafted on BSA
H antigens grafted on BSA
A antigens grafted on BSA
B antigens grafted on BSA
P antigens grafted on BSA
Cellooligosaccharides grafted on BSA
Chitin oligosaccharides grafted on BSA
Core Structures grafted on BSA
Core Type 1 grafted on BSA
Core Type 2 grafted on BSA
Core Type 5 grafted on BSA
Core Type 4 grafted on BSA
Forssman antigens grafted on BSA
Galili Antigens grafted on BSA
Ganglioside oligosaccharides grafted on BSA
Globo and Isoglobo series grafted on BSA
Isoglobo series grafted on BSA
Globo series grafted on BSA
Globo analogue grafted on BSA
Isoglobo analogue grafted on BSA
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) grafted on BSA
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues grafted on BSA
Lewis antigens grafted on BSA
Maltooligosaccharides grafted on BSA
Miscellaneous grafted on BSA
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) grafted on BSA
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) grafted on BSA
Xeno antigens grafted on BSA
Isomaltooligosaccharides grafted on BSA
Blood group antigens grafted on HSA
H antigens grafted on HSA
A antigens grafted on HSA
B antigens grafted on HSA
P antigens grafted on HSA
Cellooligosaccharides grafted on HSA
Chitin oligosaccharides grafted on HSA
Core Structures grafted on HSA
Core Type 1 grafted on HSA
Core Type 2 grafted on HSA
Core Type 5 grafted on HSA
Core Type 4 grafted on HSA
Forssman antigens grafted on HSA
Galili Antigens grafted on HSA
Ganglioside oligosaccharides grafted on HSA
Globo and Isoglobo series grafted on HSA
Isoglobo series grafted on HSA
Globo series grafted on HSA
Globo analogue grafted on HSA
Isoglobo analogue grafted on HSA
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) grafted on HSA
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues grafted on HSA
Lewis antigens grafted on HSA
Maltooligosaccharides grafted on HSA
Miscellaneous grafted on HSA
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) grafted on HSA
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) grafted on HSA
Xeno antigens grafted on HSA
Isomaltooligosaccharides grafted on HSA
Blood group antigens grafted on KLH
H antigens grafted on KLH
A antigens grafted on KLH
B antigens grafted on KLH
P antigens grafted on KLH
Cellooligosaccharides grafted on KLH
Chitin oligosaccharides grafted on KLH
Core Structures grafted on KLH
Core Type 1 grafted on KLH
Core Type 2 grafted on KLH
Core Type 5 grafted on KLH
Core Type 4 grafted on KLH
Forssman antigens grafted on KLH
Galili Antigens grafted on KLH
Ganglioside oligosaccharides grafted on KLH
Globo and Isoglobo series grafted on KLH
Isoglobo series grafted on KLH
Globo series grafted on KLH
Globo analogue grafted on KLH
Isoglobo analogue grafted on KLH
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) grafted on KLH
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues grafted on KLH
Lewis antigens grafted on KLH
Maltooligosaccharides grafted on KLH
Miscellaneous grafted on KLH
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) grafted on KLH
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) grafted on KLH
Xeno antigens grafted on KLH
Isomaltooligosaccharides grafted on KLH
Blood group antigens grafted on OVA
H antigens grafted on OVA
A antigens grafted on OVA
B antigens grafted on OVA
P antigens grafted on OVA
Cellooligosaccharides grafted on OVA
Chitin oligosaccharides grafted on OVA
Core Structures grafted on OVA
Core Type 1 grafted on OVA
Core Type 2 grafted on OVA
Core Type 5 grafted on OVA
Core Type 4 grafted on OVA
Forssman antigens grafted on OVA
Galili Antigens grafted on OVA
Ganglioside oligosaccharides grafted on OVA
Globo and Isoglobo series grafted on OVA
Isoglobo series grafted on OVA
Globo series grafted on OVA
Globo analogue grafted on OVA
Isoglobo analogue grafted on OVA
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) grafted on OVA
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues grafted on OVA
Lewis antigens grafted on OVA
Maltooligosaccharides grafted on OVA
Miscellaneous grafted on OVA
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) grafted on OVA
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) grafted on OVA
Xeno antigens grafted on OVA
Isomaltooligosaccharides grafted on OVA
Isomaltooligosaccharides grafted on CRM197
Cellooligosaccharides grafted on CRM197
Maltooligosaccharides grafted on CRM197
Chitin oligosaccharides grafted on CRM197
Core Structures grafted on CRM197
Core Type 1 grafted on CRM197
Core Type 2 grafted on CRM197
Core Type 5 grafted on CRM197
Core Type 4 grafted on CRM197
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) grafted on CRM197
Blood group antigens grafted on CRM197
H antigens grafted on CRM197
A antigens grafted on CRM197
B antigens grafted on CRM197
P antigens grafted on CRM197
Lewis antigens grafted on CRM197
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues grafted on CRM197
Globo and Isoglobo series grafted on CRM197
Isoglobo series grafted on CRM197
Globo series grafted on CRM197
Globo analogue grafted on CRM197
Isoglobo analogue grafted on CRM197
Galili Antigens grafted on CRM197
Xeno antigens grafted on CRM197
Ganglioside oligosaccharides grafted on CRM197
Miscellaneous grafted on CRM197
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) grafted on CRM197
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) grafted on CRM197
Forssman antigens grafted on CRM197
Glycan-based affinity column
Grafted media : Gel
Blood group antigens grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
H antigens grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
A antigens grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
B antigens grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
P antigens grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Cellooligosaccharides grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Core Structures grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Core Type 1 grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Core Type 2 grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Core Type 5 grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Core Type 4 grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Forssman antigens grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Galili Antigens grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Ganglioside oligosaccharides grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Globo and Isoglobo series grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Isoglobo series grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Globo series grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Globo analogue grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Isoglobo analogue grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Lewis antigens grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Maltooligosaccharides grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Miscellaneous grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Isomaltooligosaccharides grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Dual-functionalized oligosaccharides
Biotin and Fluorescein
Cellooligosaccharides linked to biotin and fluorescein
Maltooligosaccharides linked to biotin and fluorescein
Isomaltooligosaccharides linked to biotin and fluorescein
Core Structures linked to biotin and fluorescein
Core Type 1 linked to biotin and fluorescein
Core Type 2 linked to biotin and fluorescein
Core Type 5 linked to biotin and fluorescein
Core Type 4 linked to biotin and fluorescein
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) linked to biotin and fluorescein
Blood group antigens linked to biotin and fluorescein
H antigens linked to biotin and fluorescein
A antigens linked to biotin and fluorescein
B antigens linked to biotin and fluorescein
P antigens linked to biotin and fluorescein
Lewis antigens linked to biotin and fluorescein
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues linked to biotin and fluorescein
Globo and Isoglobo series linked to biotin and fluorescein
Isoglobo series linked to biotin and fluorescein
Globo series linked to biotin and fluorescein
Globo analogue linked to biotin and fluorescein
Isoglobo analogue linked to biotin and fluorescein
Galili Antigens linked to biotin and fluorescein
Ganglioside oligosaccharides linked to biotin and fluorescein
Miscellaneous linked to biotin and fluorescein
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) linked to biotin and fluorescein
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) linked to biotin and fluorescein
Forssman antigens linked to biotin and fluorescein
Biotin and Stearic chain
Cellooligosaccharides linked to biotin and stearic chain
Maltooligosaccharides linked to biotin and stearic chain
Isomaltooligosaccharides linked to biotin and stearic chain
Core Structures linked to biotin and stearic chain
Core Type 1 linked to biotin and stearic chain
Core Type 2 linked to biotin and stearic chain
Core Type 5 linked to biotin and stearic chain
Core Type 4 linked to biotin and stearic chain
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) linked to biotin and stearic chain
Blood group antigens linked to biotin and stearic chain
H antigens linked to biotin and stearic chain
A antigens linked to biotin and stearic chain
B antigens linked to biotin and stearic chain
P antigens linked to biotin and stearic chain
Lewis antigens linked to biotin and stearic chain
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues linked to biotin and stearic chain
Globo and Isoglobo series linked to biotin and stearic chain
Isoglobo series linked to biotin and stearic chain
Globo series linked to biotin and stearic chain
Globo analogue linked to biotin and stearic chain
Isoglobo analogue linked to biotin and stearic chain
Galili Antigens linked to biotin and stearic chain
Ganglioside oligosaccharides linked to biotin and stearic chain
Miscellaneous linked to biotin and stearic chain
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) linked to biotin and stearic chain
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) linked to biotin and stearic chain
Forssman antigens linked to biotin and stearic chain
Customizable dual functionalization
Cellooligosaccharides with customizable dual functionalization
Maltooligosaccharides with customizable dual functionalization
Isomaltooligosaccharides with customizable dual functionalization
Core Structures with customizable dual functionalization
Core Type 1 with customizable dual functionalization
Core Type 2 with customizable dual functionalization
Core Type 5 with customizable dual functionalization
Core Type 4 with customizable dual functionalization
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) with customizable dual functionalization
Blood group antigens with customizable dual functionalization
H antigens with customizable dual functionalization
A antigens with customizable dual functionalization
B antigens with customizable dual functionalization
P antigens with customizable dual functionalization
Lewis antigens with customizable dual functionalization
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues with customizable dual functionalization
Globo and Isoglobo series with customizable dual functionalization
Isoglobo series with customizable dual functionalization
Globo series with customizable dual functionalization
Globo analogue with customizable dual functionalization
Isoglobo analogue with customizable dual functionalization
Galili Antigens with customizable dual functionalization
Ganglioside oligosaccharides with customizable dual functionalization
Miscellaneous with customizable dual functionalization
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) with customizable dual functionalization
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) with customizable dual functionalization
Forssman antigens with customizable dual functionalization
Analytical References
Human Milk Oligosaccharides - analytical references
Blood group antigens - analytical references
Globo and Isoglobo series - analytical references
Free lectins
Labelled lectins
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Purification service
Customized synthesis
Contract manufacturing
Analysis service
Research services
Plant protection products
Food additives for animal nutrition
Human health
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Labelled lectins
Other fluorophores
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Catalogue overview
Alginate oligosaccharides
Guluronate oligosaccharides
Mannuronate oligosaccharides
Blood group antigens
H antigens
A antigens
B antigens
P antigens
Chitin oligosaccharides
Chitosan oligosaccharides
Core Structures
Core Type 1
Core Type 2
Core Type 5
Core Type 4
Forssman antigens
Galactomannan oligosaccharides
Galacturonan oligosaccharides
Galili Antigens
Ganglioside oligosaccharides
Globo and Isoglobo series
Isoglobo series
Globo series
Globo analogue
Isoglobo analogue
Glucomannan oligosaccharides
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) & analogues
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO)
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues
Isolichenan oligosaccharides
Lewis antigens
Mannan oligosaccharides
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA)
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA)
Ulvan oligosaccharides
Xeno antigens
Xylan oligosaccharides
Xyloglucan oligosaccharides
Lichenan / Isolichenan
Oligosaccharide building blocks
Blood group antigens with terminal alkyne
H antigens with terminal alkyne
A antigens with terminal alkyne
B antigens with terminal alkyne
P antigens with terminal alkyne
Cellooligosaccharides with terminal alkyne
Core Structures with terminal alkyne
Core Type 1 with terminal alkyne
Core Type 2 with terminal alkyne
Core Type 5 with terminal alkyne
Core Type 4 with terminal alkyne
Forssman antigens with terminal alkyne
Galili Antigens with terminal alkyne
Ganglioside oligosaccharides with terminal alkyne
Globo and Isoglobo series with terminal alkyne
Isoglobo series with terminal alkyne
Globo series with terminal alkyne
Globo analogue with terminal alkyne
Isoglobo analogue with terminal alkyne
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) with terminal alkyne
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues with terminal alkyne
Lewis antigens with terminal alkyne
Maltooligosaccharides with terminal alkyne
Miscellaneous with terminal alkyne
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) with terminal alkyne
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) with terminal alkyne
Isomaltooligosaccharides with terminal alkyne
Blood group antigens with terminal amine
H antigens with terminal amine
A antigens with terminal amine
B antigens with terminal amine
P antigens with terminal amine
Cellooligosaccharides with terminal amine
Core Structures with terminal amine
Core Type 1 with terminal amine
Core Type 2 with terminal amine
Core Type 5 with terminal amine
Core Type 4 with terminal amine
Forssman antigens with terminal amine
Galili Antigens with terminal amine
Ganglioside oligosaccharides with terminal amine
Globo and Isoglobo series with terminal amine
Isoglobo series with terminal amine
Globo series with terminal amine
Globo analogue with terminal amine
Isoglobo analogue with terminal amine
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) with terminal amine
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues with terminal amine
Lewis antigens with terminal amine
Maltooligosaccharides with terminal amine
Miscellaneous with terminal amine
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) with terminal amine
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) with terminal amine
Isomaltooligosaccharides with terminal amine
Blood group antigens with terminal azide
H antigens with terminal azide
A antigens with terminal azide
B antigens with terminal azide
P antigens with terminal azide
Cellooligosaccharides with terminal azide
Core Structures with terminal azide
Core Type 1 with terminal azide
Core Type 2 with terminal azide
Core Type 5 with terminal azide
Core Type 4 with terminal azide
Forssman antigens with terminal azide
Galili Antigens with terminal azide
Ganglioside oligosaccharides with terminal azide
Globo and Isoglobo series with terminal azide
Isoglobo series with terminal azide
Globo series with terminal azide
Globo analogue with terminal azide
Isoglobo analogue with terminal azide
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) with terminal azide
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues with terminal azide
Lewis antigens with terminal azide
Maltooligosaccharides with terminal azide
Miscellaneous with terminal azide
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) with terminal azide
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) with terminal azide
Isomaltooligosaccharides with terminal azide
Blood group antigens with DBCO
H antigens with DBCO
A antigens with DBCO
B antigens with DBCO
P antigens with DBCO
Cellooligosaccharides with DBCO
Core Structures with DBCO
Core Type 1 with DBCO
Core Type 2 with DBCO
Core Type 5 with DBCO
Core Type 4 with DBCO
Forssman antigens with DBCO
Galili Antigens with DBCO
Ganglioside oligosaccharides with DBCO
Globo and Isoglobo series with DBCO
Isoglobo series with DBCO
Globo series with DBCO
Globo analogue with DBCO
Isoglobo analogue with DBCO
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) with DBCO
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues with DBCO
Lewis antigens with DBCO
Maltooligosaccharides with DBCO
Miscellaneous with DBCO
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) with DBCO
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) with DBCO
Isomaltooligosaccharides with DBCO
Blood group antigens linked to maleimide
H antigens linked to maleimide
A antigens linked to maleimide
B antigens linked to maleimide
P antigens linked to maleimide
Cellooligosaccharides linked to maleimide
Core Structures linked to maleimide
Core Type 1 linked to maleimide
Core Type 2 linked to maleimide
Core Type 5 linked to maleimide
Core Type 4 linked to maleimide
Forssman antigens linked to maleimide
Galili Antigens linked to maleimide
Ganglioside oligosaccharides linked to maleimide
Globo and Isoglobo series linked to maleimide
Isoglobo series linked to maleimide
Globo series linked to maleimide
Globo analogue linked to maleimide
Isoglobo analogue linked to maleimide
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) linked to maleimide
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues linked to maleimide
Lewis antigens linked to maleimide
Maltooligosaccharides linked to maleimide
Miscellaneous linked to maleimide
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) linked to maleimide
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) linked to maleimide
Isomaltooligosaccharides linked to maleimide
Blood group antigens with cyclic di-thiol
H antigens with cyclic di-thiol
A antigens with cyclic di-thiol
B antigens with cyclic di-thiol
P antigens with cyclic di-thiol
Cellooligosaccharides with cyclic di-thiol
Core Structures with cyclic di-thiol
Core Type 1 with cyclic di-thiol
Core Type 2 with cyclic di-thiol
Core Type 5 with cyclic di-thiol
Core Type 4 with cyclic di-thiol
Forssman antigens with cyclic di-thiol
Galili Antigens with cyclic di-thiol
Ganglioside oligosaccharides with cyclic di-thiol
Globo and Isoglobo series with cyclic di-thiol
Isoglobo series with cyclic di-thiol
Globo series with cyclic di-thiol
Globo analogue with cyclic di-thiol
Isoglobo analogue with cyclic di-thiol
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) with cyclic di-thiol
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues with cyclic di-thiol
Lewis antigens with cyclic di-thiol
Maltooligosaccharides with cyclic di-thiol
Miscellaneous with cyclic di-thiol
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) with cyclic di-thiol
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) with cyclic di-thiol
Isomaltooligosaccharides with cyclic di-thiol
Functionalized oligosaccharides
Blood group antigens linked to biotin
H antigens linked to biotin
A antigens linked to biotin
B antigens linked to biotin
P antigens linked to biotin
Cellooligosaccharides linked to biotin
Core Structures linked to biotin
Core Type 1 linked to biotin
Core Type 2 linked to biotin
Core Type 5 linked to biotin
Core Type 4 linked to biotin
Forssman antigens linked to biotin
Galili Antigens linked to biotin
Ganglioside oligosaccharides linked to biotin
Globo and Isoglobo series linked to biotin
Isoglobo series linked to biotin
Globo series linked to biotin
Globo analogue linked to biotin
Isoglobo analogue linked to biotin
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) linked to biotin
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues linked to biotin
Lewis antigens linked to biotin
Maltooligosaccharides linked to biotin
Miscellaneous linked to biotin
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) linked to biotin
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) linked to biotin
Isomaltooligosaccharides linked to biotin
Blood group antigens linked to desthiobiotin
H antigens linked to desthiobiotin
A antigens linked to desthiobiotin
B antigens linked to desthiobiotin
P antigens linked to desthiobiotin
Cellooligosaccharides linked to desthiobiotin
Core Structures linked to desthiobiotin
Core Type 1 linked to desthiobiotin
Core Type 2 linked to desthiobiotin
Core Type 5 linked to desthiobiotin
Core Type 4 linked to desthiobiotin
Forssman antigens linked to desthiobiotin
Galili Antigens linked to desthiobiotin
Ganglioside oligosaccharides linked to desthiobiotin
Globo and Isoglobo series linked to desthiobiotin
Isoglobo series linked to desthiobiotin
Globo series linked to desthiobiotin
Globo analogue linked to desthiobiotin
Isoglobo analogue linked to desthiobiotin
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) linked to desthiobiotin
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues linked to desthiobiotin
Lewis antigens linked to desthiobiotin
Maltooligosaccharides linked to desthiobiotin
Miscellaneous linked to desthiobiotin
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) linked to desthiobiotin
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) linked to desthiobiotin
Isomaltooligosaccharides linked to desthiobiotin
Blood group antigens linked to fluorescein
H antigens linked to fluorescein
A antigens linked to fluorescein
B antigens linked to fluorescein
P antigens linked to fluorescein
Cellooligosaccharides linked to fluorescein
Core Structures linked to fluorescein
Core Type 1 linked to fluorescein
Core Type 2 linked to fluorescein
Core Type 5 linked to fluorescein
Core Type 4 linked to fluorescein
Forssman antigens linked to fluorescein
Galili Antigens linked to fluorescein
Ganglioside oligosaccharides linked to fluorescein
Globo and Isoglobo series linked to fluorescein
Isoglobo series linked to fluorescein
Globo series linked to fluorescein
Globo analogue linked to fluorescein
Isoglobo analogue linked to fluorescein
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) linked to fluorescein
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues linked to fluorescein
Lewis antigens linked to fluorescein
Maltooligosaccharides linked to fluorescein
Miscellaneous linked to fluorescein
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) linked to fluorescein
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) linked to fluorescein
Isomaltooligosaccharides linked to fluorescein
Stearic chain
Blood group antigens with stearic chain
H antigens with stearic chain
A antigens with stearic chain
B antigens with stearic chain
P antigens with stearic chain
Cellooligosaccharides with stearic chain
Core Structures with stearic chain
Core Type 1 with stearic chain
Core Type 2 with stearic chain
Core Type 5 with stearic chain
Core Type 4 with stearic chain
Forssman antigens with stearic chain
Galili Antigens with stearic chain
Ganglioside oligosaccharides with stearic chain
Globo and Isoglobo series with stearic chain
Isoglobo series with stearic chain
Globo series with stearic chain
Globo analogue with stearic chain
Isoglobo analogue with stearic chain
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) with stearic chain
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues with stearic chain
Lewis antigens with stearic chain
Maltooligosaccharides with stearic chain
Miscellaneous with stearic chain
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) with stearic chain
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) with stearic chain
Isomaltooligosaccharides with stearic chain
Oligosaccharides grafted on proteins
Blood group antigens grafted on BSA
H antigens grafted on BSA
A antigens grafted on BSA
B antigens grafted on BSA
P antigens grafted on BSA
Cellooligosaccharides grafted on BSA
Chitin oligosaccharides grafted on BSA
Core Structures grafted on BSA
Core Type 1 grafted on BSA
Core Type 2 grafted on BSA
Core Type 5 grafted on BSA
Core Type 4 grafted on BSA
Forssman antigens grafted on BSA
Galili Antigens grafted on BSA
Ganglioside oligosaccharides grafted on BSA
Globo and Isoglobo series grafted on BSA
Isoglobo series grafted on BSA
Globo series grafted on BSA
Globo analogue grafted on BSA
Isoglobo analogue grafted on BSA
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) grafted on BSA
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues grafted on BSA
Lewis antigens grafted on BSA
Maltooligosaccharides grafted on BSA
Miscellaneous grafted on BSA
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) grafted on BSA
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) grafted on BSA
Xeno antigens grafted on BSA
Isomaltooligosaccharides grafted on BSA
Blood group antigens grafted on HSA
H antigens grafted on HSA
A antigens grafted on HSA
B antigens grafted on HSA
P antigens grafted on HSA
Cellooligosaccharides grafted on HSA
Chitin oligosaccharides grafted on HSA
Core Structures grafted on HSA
Core Type 1 grafted on HSA
Core Type 2 grafted on HSA
Core Type 5 grafted on HSA
Core Type 4 grafted on HSA
Forssman antigens grafted on HSA
Galili Antigens grafted on HSA
Ganglioside oligosaccharides grafted on HSA
Globo and Isoglobo series grafted on HSA
Isoglobo series grafted on HSA
Globo series grafted on HSA
Globo analogue grafted on HSA
Isoglobo analogue grafted on HSA
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) grafted on HSA
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues grafted on HSA
Lewis antigens grafted on HSA
Maltooligosaccharides grafted on HSA
Miscellaneous grafted on HSA
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) grafted on HSA
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) grafted on HSA
Xeno antigens grafted on HSA
Isomaltooligosaccharides grafted on HSA
Blood group antigens grafted on KLH
H antigens grafted on KLH
A antigens grafted on KLH
B antigens grafted on KLH
P antigens grafted on KLH
Cellooligosaccharides grafted on KLH
Chitin oligosaccharides grafted on KLH
Core Structures grafted on KLH
Core Type 1 grafted on KLH
Core Type 2 grafted on KLH
Core Type 5 grafted on KLH
Core Type 4 grafted on KLH
Forssman antigens grafted on KLH
Galili Antigens grafted on KLH
Ganglioside oligosaccharides grafted on KLH
Globo and Isoglobo series grafted on KLH
Isoglobo series grafted on KLH
Globo series grafted on KLH
Globo analogue grafted on KLH
Isoglobo analogue grafted on KLH
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) grafted on KLH
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues grafted on KLH
Lewis antigens grafted on KLH
Maltooligosaccharides grafted on KLH
Miscellaneous grafted on KLH
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) grafted on KLH
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) grafted on KLH
Xeno antigens grafted on KLH
Isomaltooligosaccharides grafted on KLH
Blood group antigens grafted on OVA
H antigens grafted on OVA
A antigens grafted on OVA
B antigens grafted on OVA
P antigens grafted on OVA
Cellooligosaccharides grafted on OVA
Chitin oligosaccharides grafted on OVA
Core Structures grafted on OVA
Core Type 1 grafted on OVA
Core Type 2 grafted on OVA
Core Type 5 grafted on OVA
Core Type 4 grafted on OVA
Forssman antigens grafted on OVA
Galili Antigens grafted on OVA
Ganglioside oligosaccharides grafted on OVA
Globo and Isoglobo series grafted on OVA
Isoglobo series grafted on OVA
Globo series grafted on OVA
Globo analogue grafted on OVA
Isoglobo analogue grafted on OVA
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) grafted on OVA
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues grafted on OVA
Lewis antigens grafted on OVA
Maltooligosaccharides grafted on OVA
Miscellaneous grafted on OVA
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) grafted on OVA
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) grafted on OVA
Xeno antigens grafted on OVA
Isomaltooligosaccharides grafted on OVA
Isomaltooligosaccharides grafted on CRM197
Cellooligosaccharides grafted on CRM197
Maltooligosaccharides grafted on CRM197
Chitin oligosaccharides grafted on CRM197
Core Structures grafted on CRM197
Core Type 1 grafted on CRM197
Core Type 2 grafted on CRM197
Core Type 5 grafted on CRM197
Core Type 4 grafted on CRM197
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) grafted on CRM197
Blood group antigens grafted on CRM197
H antigens grafted on CRM197
A antigens grafted on CRM197
B antigens grafted on CRM197
P antigens grafted on CRM197
Lewis antigens grafted on CRM197
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues grafted on CRM197
Globo and Isoglobo series grafted on CRM197
Isoglobo series grafted on CRM197
Globo series grafted on CRM197
Globo analogue grafted on CRM197
Isoglobo analogue grafted on CRM197
Galili Antigens grafted on CRM197
Xeno antigens grafted on CRM197
Ganglioside oligosaccharides grafted on CRM197
Miscellaneous grafted on CRM197
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) grafted on CRM197
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) grafted on CRM197
Forssman antigens grafted on CRM197
Glycan-based affinity column
Grafted media : Gel
Blood group antigens grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
H antigens grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
A antigens grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
B antigens grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
P antigens grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Cellooligosaccharides grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Core Structures grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Core Type 1 grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Core Type 2 grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Core Type 5 grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Core Type 4 grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Forssman antigens grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Galili Antigens grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Ganglioside oligosaccharides grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Globo and Isoglobo series grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Isoglobo series grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Globo series grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Globo analogue grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Isoglobo analogue grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Lewis antigens grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Maltooligosaccharides grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Miscellaneous grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Isomaltooligosaccharides grafted on gel for affinity chromatography
Dual-functionalized oligosaccharides
Biotin and Fluorescein
Cellooligosaccharides linked to biotin and fluorescein
Maltooligosaccharides linked to biotin and fluorescein
Isomaltooligosaccharides linked to biotin and fluorescein
Core Structures linked to biotin and fluorescein
Core Type 1 linked to biotin and fluorescein
Core Type 2 linked to biotin and fluorescein
Core Type 5 linked to biotin and fluorescein
Core Type 4 linked to biotin and fluorescein
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) linked to biotin and fluorescein
Blood group antigens linked to biotin and fluorescein
H antigens linked to biotin and fluorescein
A antigens linked to biotin and fluorescein
B antigens linked to biotin and fluorescein
P antigens linked to biotin and fluorescein
Lewis antigens linked to biotin and fluorescein
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues linked to biotin and fluorescein
Globo and Isoglobo series linked to biotin and fluorescein
Isoglobo series linked to biotin and fluorescein
Globo series linked to biotin and fluorescein
Globo analogue linked to biotin and fluorescein
Isoglobo analogue linked to biotin and fluorescein
Galili Antigens linked to biotin and fluorescein
Ganglioside oligosaccharides linked to biotin and fluorescein
Miscellaneous linked to biotin and fluorescein
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) linked to biotin and fluorescein
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) linked to biotin and fluorescein
Forssman antigens linked to biotin and fluorescein
Biotin and Stearic chain
Cellooligosaccharides linked to biotin and stearic chain
Maltooligosaccharides linked to biotin and stearic chain
Isomaltooligosaccharides linked to biotin and stearic chain
Core Structures linked to biotin and stearic chain
Core Type 1 linked to biotin and stearic chain
Core Type 2 linked to biotin and stearic chain
Core Type 5 linked to biotin and stearic chain
Core Type 4 linked to biotin and stearic chain
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) linked to biotin and stearic chain
Blood group antigens linked to biotin and stearic chain
H antigens linked to biotin and stearic chain
A antigens linked to biotin and stearic chain
B antigens linked to biotin and stearic chain
P antigens linked to biotin and stearic chain
Lewis antigens linked to biotin and stearic chain
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues linked to biotin and stearic chain
Globo and Isoglobo series linked to biotin and stearic chain
Isoglobo series linked to biotin and stearic chain
Globo series linked to biotin and stearic chain
Globo analogue linked to biotin and stearic chain
Isoglobo analogue linked to biotin and stearic chain
Galili Antigens linked to biotin and stearic chain
Ganglioside oligosaccharides linked to biotin and stearic chain
Miscellaneous linked to biotin and stearic chain
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) linked to biotin and stearic chain
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) linked to biotin and stearic chain
Forssman antigens linked to biotin and stearic chain
Customizable dual functionalization
Cellooligosaccharides with customizable dual functionalization
Maltooligosaccharides with customizable dual functionalization
Isomaltooligosaccharides with customizable dual functionalization
Core Structures with customizable dual functionalization
Core Type 1 with customizable dual functionalization
Core Type 2 with customizable dual functionalization
Core Type 5 with customizable dual functionalization
Core Type 4 with customizable dual functionalization
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) with customizable dual functionalization
Blood group antigens with customizable dual functionalization
H antigens with customizable dual functionalization
A antigens with customizable dual functionalization
B antigens with customizable dual functionalization
P antigens with customizable dual functionalization
Lewis antigens with customizable dual functionalization
Human Milk Oligosaccharides analogues with customizable dual functionalization
Globo and Isoglobo series with customizable dual functionalization
Isoglobo series with customizable dual functionalization
Globo series with customizable dual functionalization
Globo analogue with customizable dual functionalization
Isoglobo analogue with customizable dual functionalization
Galili Antigens with customizable dual functionalization
Ganglioside oligosaccharides with customizable dual functionalization
Miscellaneous with customizable dual functionalization
Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACA) with customizable dual functionalization
Stage Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA) with customizable dual functionalization
Forssman antigens with customizable dual functionalization
Analytical References
Human Milk Oligosaccharides - analytical references
Blood group antigens - analytical references
Globo and Isoglobo series - analytical references
Free lectins
Labelled lectins
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